Maria Perry, Turquoise Sea painting, 100 x 100 x 3.5 cm
Year: 2024
Medium(s): oil and acrylic on canvas
Part of ‘Contemporary Art of Northern Ireland #5’ Group Exhibition, Gallery 545's major annual showcase. Island Arts Centre, Lisburn. 7 September – 5 October 2024. The work can be purchased online here or in person at the exhibition.
- £1,250.00
Shipping - This work is part of an exhibition. It can be collected from Tuesday 8 October from the Island Arts Centre, Lisburn / shipped in 3-5 working days after 5 October from Northern Ireland, UK.
Return - This work is not eligible for return if bought in person at the exhibition (eligible for return only if bought online).
Artist - Selected Recognitions
- Artworks in public collections
- Extensively exhibited in Northern Ireland
- Represented by local and international galleries (including Saatchi Art Online)
Further information
Maria Perry is a very talented painter. She creates atmospheric landscape paintings drawing inspiration from the rugged Irish coastline and dramatic sea views. The fluctuations between flatness and depth, abstraction and representation, light and dark, all play important roles in her work. She hopes to convey a sense and feeling of a place rather than an exact visual representation.
Find out more on the artist's page.