'Gallery 545 Group Exhibition: Contemporary Art'

13 November 2021 - 05 December 2021

Gallery 545, Blick Studios, Belfast

Gallery 545 at Blick Studios, 51 Malone Road, Belfast BT9 6RY
open on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays 10.30am-5.30pm
& Sundays 1-5.30pm (no booking required)
Opening reception – Saturday 13 November, 1.30-5.30pm
Exhibition Virtual Tour on Instagram – Sunday 21 November, 12noon 
Online at gallery545.com – always open (from 16 November)

 Gallery 545 is delighted to present its annual group exhibition featuring and celebrating several accomplished artists based in Northern Ireland. This exhibition showcases a curated selection of diverse original artworks, on display both at the gallery and online.

All the exhibiting artists are represented by Gallery 545. They are emerging or more established artists who have encountered recognition here and beyond. The variety in the selection reflects the diversity and originality of their practice, as they have created works drawing upon different themes and ideas, using different styles and employing various techniques and materials.

Artworks include stunning paintings, exquisite works on paper, unique sculptures and beautiful mixed media pieces. They can represent atmospheric landscapes inspired by scenery encountered here and around the world, intriguing scenes suggesting stories and histories, or fascinating figures and portraits. They can also be abstract compositions, with delicate or vibrant colours, bold gestural marks or controlled geometric shapes.

Visitors will have the opportunity to appreciate and discover the wealth of artistic talent in the region. Those interested in buying art could find a perfect piece at an affordable price for their collection.

Featured artists: Lisa Ballard, Ronan Bowes, Majella Clancy, Alacoque Davey, Ray Duncan, Craig Donald, Karl Hagan, Eamonn Higgins, Trina Hobson, Ashely B Holmes, Janet Keith, Rachel Lawell, Louise Lennon, Aimee Melaugh, Sandra Maze, Rosie McGurran, Noel Murphy, Latisha Reihill, Joel Simon, Katharine St Angelo, Charlie Scott, Jennifer Trouton and Anushiya Sundaralingam.

Artworks can be viewed and purchased at the show or online at www.gallery545.com. For information and enquiries, speak to or contact the Gallery Director & Curator Francesca Biondi  hello@gallery545.com / 07960 130414. Francesca will be at the exhibition to welcome visitors and answer their questions.

Visiting the exhibition in person – There will be measures in place because of Covid-19 to keep visitors safe subject go government regulations. 

Francesca Biondi commented: I am very pleased to run again a group exhibition featuring all the artists represented by Gallery 545. Our annual group show has become an important event to support and promote accomplished artists based in Northern Ireland and connect them with those interested in contemporary art. The event brings art to art lovers who wish to know more about local artists, discover their works or find beautiful pieces at affordable prices. I hope visitors will enjoy the show and feel inspired by the beautiful artworks on display and the talent of these wonderful artists.

Read more about the exhibiting artists on their pages. Access them all from 'Artists'.

Image: Lisa Ballard, Last Light of Summer, 2021, oil and spray paint on canvas, 91 x 61 x 2 cm.


EXHIBITIONS DOUBLE BILL in Malone Road, Belfast -  'Gallery 545 Group Exhibition' is running at the same time as 'Gallery 545 at the Harrison: Artists on the Rise Pop-up'. Visit both shows just a few doors from each other!

WATCH a VIDEO about both exhibitions by NVTV - Curator Francesca Biondi, and artists Ronan Bowes, Alacoque Davey, Eamonn Higgins, Karl Hagan, Jill Morrow and Anushiya Sundaringam, talk about showcasing and promoting talented artists of Northern Ireland and creating original art for these two shows.

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