Rosie McGurran
Rosie McGurran, Time Does not Know Its Own Name, painting, 23.5 x 31 cm (57 x 65 cm framed)
Year: 2021
Medium(s): acrylic and watercolour on paper
Frame: red wooden frame with museum quality anti-reflective glass.
- Sold
Shipping - Collected at the gallery in 1 -3 business days. Shipped in 5-7 business days from Northern Ireland, UK.
Return - This work is eligible for return
Artist - Selected Recognitions
- Member of the Royal Ulster Academy
- Award-winning artist (incl. the Conor Prize, RUA)
- Artworks in public collections (incl. Arts Council of Northern Ireland, National Colleciton of Ireland)
Further information
Rosie McGurran’s work is dominated by images of the small village of Roundstone in the West of Ireland, which can act as a protagonist or backdrop, and it tells stories inspired both by autobiographical events and the history of the place.
Find out more about Rosie McGurran and her work on the artist's page.